Hank Houser, LEED AP, AIA
Gregory Walker, LEED AP, AIA
Howard Wertheimer, Leed AP, FAIA Emeritus
People and their experiences are the most important resource in every project. We believe in people. The individuals at Houser Walker Architecture each bring a wealth of direct personal experience to each client we work with. Who you’re working with directly, who answers the phone when you have a concern or idea, who you trust to understand your vision - these fundamental questions are about the individuals you’re working with and their hard won experience and leadership.
Led by Hank Houser and Gregory Walker, Houser Walker Architecture operates as a collaborative studio. Together with carefully composed teams of collaborators, we bring together the expertise and resources necessary to shape your vision.

Amy Leathers, AIA

Rick Bizot, LEED AP, AIA

Jiangpu Meng

Michael McGrath, LEED AP

Zachery Terry, Assoc. AIA

Nate Walker

Sarah Hoke, LEED AP, AIA

Jessica London

Anastasiya Politykina, LEED GA

Octavian Tudora, RA

Alana Green

Tuyen Tram, RA, NCARB

Meghan Shannon, LEED AP

Justin Southard

Kaleigh Sawyer, RA, NCARB

Xueping Li

Stephen Cook

Son Vu